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See what it takes to bring the National Fitness Index to your school.

The National Fitness Program helps students get moving, get fit, and do better.

Take Assessments

Empower Children to Adopt An Active Lifestyle

Implement the FICCI National Fitness Program

Physical activity is critical to our children’s health and well-being. Research shows that children with better
health are in school more days, are better able to learn, have higher self-esteem and are at lower risk for
developing chronic diseases.

What is the FICCI National Fitness Program?

The FICCI National Fitness Program (NFP) is a voluntary program for Schools that focuses on three areas:

  • EMPOWER: Tools and Resources for building Active Schools and Active Children
  • ASSESS: Conducting a battery of Assessment Tests in the participating schools including Physical and Motor Fitness, BMI and Lifestyle Awareness Tests.
  • APPLAUD: Applauding Schools and students to adopt and maintain an active lifestyle, and be Physically Fit

Apart from the above key deliverables, NFP for each school could also involve specific programs for Staff Involvement, Family & Community Engagement including:

  • Learning Material for PE Teachers
  • Importance of Nutrition
  • Making school a center for physical activity
  • Guidance through workshops

The FICCI National Fitness Program will conducted by Fitness365, under the aegis of All India Council of Physical Education to perform evidence-based health-related fitness assessments in Schools.

Interested in the FICCI National Fitness Program? Find out how your school can participate